Buy-to-Let Rental Yield CalculatorWhat Return can a Property Deliver?Thank you for connecting with us. We will respond to you shortly.11 Rental Yield Calculator*Property Value*AmountCycle--- Select ---MonthlyAnnualPanel Calculated Cross Yield Calculated Gross Yield 0 %Gross rental yield = (Annual rental income / Property value) x 100Yield Based on Cash Invested & Operational ExpensesA) Cash InvestmentEnter Invested CapitalShowHidePanel Cash InvesmentSolicitors FeesMortgage FeesStamp DutyDecoration CostsRenovation CostsSurvey FeesOther Capital InvestedSelect Your Mortgage LTV--- Select ---5%10%15%20%25%30%35%40%45%50%55%60%65%70%75%80%85%90%95%100%Panel Sum Cash InvestmentMortgage Amount: £0Deposit and Equity: £0Total Capital Invested: £0B) Operational Expenses:Mortgage Interest Rate %Enter Operational ExpensesShowHidePanel Sum Operational ExpensesMaintenance FeesAnnual InsuranceLetting Fees--- Select ---5%6%7%8%9%10%11%12%13%14%15%16%17%18%19%20%21%22%23%24%25%Panel Letting FeesCalculated Letting Fees: £ 0Mortgage Interest Only Month: £0Total Annual Interest Only: £0Panel Sum AnnualTotal Annual Expenses: £0Annual Pre Tax Profits: £0Annual Rent - Total Annual ExpensesCalculation Results:Panel Calculation ResultsNet Yield on Capital Invested (ROI)0%Net Yield = Pre-Tax Profits / Total cost of property The net yield is the rate of return on the property investment after subtracting all operational expenses, and taking into consideration the total property cost including stamp duty, legal fees, refurbishment and redecoration costs.Rental Yield on Capital Invested (ROI)0%Rental yield = (Annual pre-tax profit / Total capital employed) x 100 The yield on actual investment compares your income against ALL costs incurred by the investment, including the deposit and any refurbishment costs. This gives you an idea of how the investment has performed since purchased